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Your no-nonsense, easy meal plan bundle for busy women who want to shed the kilos, keep them off and still eat dessert every day.

Never 'Start Monday' Again

How to get off the diet cycle and still lose the kilos, learn how to eat right and stop 'starting Monday'.

Eat For Life is my delicious, simple and family-friendly meal plan to END DECADES OF DIETS. No more yo-yo dieting, no more celery juices, no more looking in the mirror and being disappointed with what you see.

It’s time to get the FREEDOM you’ve always dreamt of.

Food freedom, body freedom, mind freedom. 

It’s time to fall in love with the woman you see in the mirror. 

NCC Pillars: Features

Lose the weight & keep it off

You’ve tried every diet under the sun and you’re sick to death of restrictive eating, feeling guilty for having dessert and shaming yourself when you look at photos. You’re always thinking ‘Why am I like this? Why can’t I change? Why can’t I lose weight? Why doesn’t anyone else struggle like I do?'


Am I messed up?

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I know how you feel...


You feel uncomfortable... a lot.

Most of the time you don’t put any effort into your appearance, because even when you do… you don’t feel attractive. 


When you do go out for dinner, you spend 20mins stuffing yourself into Spanx only to spend all night awkwardly re-adjusting them and looking at all your friends in their tight-fitting clothes feeling like you just don’t fit in.

You want to smile and have fun, but you’re obsessing over the rolls on your stomach and wondering if anyone is noticing.

What was supposed to be a fun night ends in you feeling like sh*t.


You wonder to yourself… will it always be like this?


ANSWER: You know constant dieting is not the answer, but you don’t know any other way. You have a feeling the problem is deeper than the extra few kilos you’re carrying because you see other women rocking their post-baby bod’s and loving themselves sick, no matter what size they are!


You just want a bit of that for yourself.


And that’s where I come in. With my help you’ll shed those few kilo’s WITHOUT obsessively dieting, feel confident in yourself & learn to love the woman you see in the mirror.

Proof that you CAN lose weight & still eat dessert every day


"My kids are loving their mum being happier and healthier, and I’m loving the feeling and progress."


THEA, 33


"My new way of thinking about food and not labelling it as good or bad has been life-changing."




"The variety and flexibility has made my health journey after having my first child an easy one."


SARA, 27



You have tried everything and nothing has worked.

You don't even know what or how to eat anymore.

You promise yourself every week that this is it, this is the thing that will work.

You rush through getting ready in the morning because you don't like the mirror.

You scan the room for someone who is the same shape as you.

You can't remember when you used to look at photos and not cringe.

In Eat For Life I give you everything I've learnt and experienced to help you ditch the overthinking, lose excess weight and start getting in the photos with those you love... yay!


Something That Works, When Nothing Else Has

You’ll get off the diet rollercoaster, lose the kilos and finally feel like the confident carefree woman you know you’re destined to be.


With Eat For Life you’ll not only lose the weight, but you’ll keep it off and never feel uncomfortable in your skin again.


You are so determined to commit and lose the kilos and finally keep them off. But nothing has worked before.



Frustrated at investing thousands in programs, only to get minimal results

Embarrassed at how you look, and not letting your partner or friends hug your middle

Confused with how and what to eat

Exhausted at 'starting Monday', yet again

Promising yourself that this time you'll do it, and then binge-eating 2 weeks later


Feeling guilty over your food choices

Scanning the room for someone the same size as you

Going on holiday and hating yourself yet again for not getting your body 'ready'

Being confused about what to eat and wondering why nothing ever works


Ordering whatever you want

Have the best time with mates & not worrying if people notice your stomach

Making memories and getting in all of the photos (and posting them!)

Having faith in the choices you make because you have the knowledge now

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Fast-track to the body & confidence you want WITHOUT restrictive eating.

Eat For Life


Image by Brooke Lark

The Whole BUNDLE


  1. macro-friendly meal plan

  2. macro & calorie analysis of all meals

  3. 7 day meal plan (repeatable & editable)

  4. 5 meals per day

  5. instructions on how to adjust to suit your goals, body & lives

  6. recipe bundle with all macros & calories worked out (worth $79)

  7. free guide: My Fitness Pal for Beginners (worth $39)

Total Value: $289​

Eat for Life Meal Plan Bundle

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An 8-week fast-track to the body & confidence you want WITHOUT restrictive eating.


"My kids are loving their mum being happier and healthier, and I’m loving the feeling and progress."


THEA, 33


"My new way of thinking about food and not labelling it as good or bad has been life-changing."




"The variety and flexibility has made my health journey after having my first child an easy one."


SARA, 27

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Eat for Life Meal Plan Bundle

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An 8-week fast-track to the body & confidence you want WITHOUT restrictive eating.

Stop The Yo-Yo Dieting You've Been Doing For Years

Get off the diet cycle and still lose the kilos, learn how to eat right and never 'Start Monday’ again.

Eat for Life Meal Plan Bundle

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An 8-week fast-track to the body & confidence you want WITHOUT restrictive eating.


Featured in Mamamia

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